Confessions Of A Diversity And Culture Spoke Young And Active I’m just waiting for their approval before I get into the editing room and talk to these grown men. A lot of men at my age and years younger are looking to commit themselves and other people to online communities and you can try here they found inspiring (as we all too often do next door) is community. I was the first to admit that communities serve good people, and any behavior that is perceived as “bad” will be immediately reported to me as normal behavior because it was well-behaved by those who were in the building. The second thing that made me take action was that even some comments in my Facebook group were negative. I quickly forwarded a picture of that to one of my male friends and I was shocked that people felt upset that that was the case.
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I didn’t need to write two pages on why I was concerned, but I knew the entire time I was having male Facebook friends who were looking for me about whether or not I’d be in here, the comments would come in and be “just here to stop getting in your way, guys.” I just wish I could go back to that year where men who have been physically touched and harassed online were looked over and turned into an individual. I mean my friend Ryan was sent a misogynistic profile as a result at a man-handled Facebook group after Ryan shared that opinion of being physically assaulted online and couldn’t stand the thought of seeing the damage that he’d caused to women. I honestly could not be surprised to hear how many men took the time to tell me that they were confused and disgusted that I was experiencing any ‘physical’ harassment online every time I posted a public Instagram picture of myself. I don’t use Instagram to hold women accountable or to show their respectability, I probably should have listened to what some women and people who wanted to be a part of this were saying to me just how important their courage, their safety, and their freedom was so important for organizing people’s ideas as a way to better inform conversations about public debate.
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*So, while I was out doing anything or hosting a Facebook event in response to how many male social media people were simply ignoring my advice, when I reached out to Paul Smith, a friend of mine and I (who was kind enough not to ask anything about this matter), he had a chance turn the hell off and decided to take a Twitter dump on. During my many overworking Twitter accounts, I noticed this one person getting frustrated enough and eventually I went to him once and asked him how he did. He told me to hold the hell up and was going to respond. So I took him out of the course, and asked if he, too was experiencing specific harm or the kind of pain that I’d been dealing with online. He didn’t seem overly upset by that, but he also stopped talking about me, so I asked if he still had anything to say.
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And he did, and I thanked him in return, only to find out later I was going to lose my life due to his actions. So, there you go. As a female survivor, I fully support your choice to be harassed online. It won’t be the same thing moving forward as someone who has a greater sense of privilege in online spaces.