The ecological relationships between two of doctor most a large number of classes, doctor fungi and doctor micro organism, are more and more being studied with a view medical know the way they may be able scientific modulate both disease and immunity. Already, new drugs have been formulated from bacteria and fungi in aggregate, with incredible implications for our diet, doctor mushrooms that we ingest and doctor role of doctor fungi that live within us. This webinar will explore doctor host of various ways through which fungi, both as living cells in doctor GI tract and doctor dead fruiting bodies that we call mushrooms, have interaction with our biology, even our focus, examining doctor sorts of therapeutic modalities that can be derived from these interactions. We will examine doctor role of doctor immune system, doctor anxious system, doctor GI tract and even doctor organoleptic properties of touch, taste and smell, in attempting better scientific understand how medical expand a good suggestion therapeutic hostfungal interactions, no matter whether those interactions are going down with living micro fungi, or with doctor glycoproteins, phenolic and terpenoid compounds derived from doctor dead fungal cells of mushrooms. A number of alternative forms of mushroom extracts can be made, and doctor sort of extract needed a great deal relies upon not just on doctor desired effect, but additionally on doctor sickness process. For example, a water based extract of lions mane is frequently used clinical treat episodes of gastro intestinal misery and inflammation, while an ethanol extract of doctor same mushroom is often used medical treat people with mild medical slight cognitive impairment.